Friday, January 9, 2009

Selling Your Home in a Declining Market

Mike Bess is a mortgage broker on the west side of Washington, and I get his newsletter updates frequently. He has a lot of great information to share.

Here is a link to his
January 7, 2009 Economic Update:

This Newsletter is full of interesting and useful information that I think you will enjoy whether you are a buyer, seller, homeowner, or renter.This month's issue includes the following topics:

"Selling Your Home in a Declining Market"
"Good Time To Buy A Vacation Home"

Plus a Calendar showing the most important economic indicators and their upcoming release dates. I hope you enjoy this bi-weekly Newsletter. If you have any comments, please e-mail them to Mike. Or, if you would like to see a certain topic covered in future months, let him know that too!

Michael Bess
Mortgage Banker
National City Mortgage,
a division of National City Bank
31620 23rd Ave S #200
Federal Way, WA 98003
Office: 253-839-6500
Mobile: 253-632-0105
Fax: 253-839-6520

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