I found a great tool that you can use in the homebuying process that will be SO helpful to you. I found it in a realtor-only section of a real estate source I use alot!
It's titled: 10 Things to Take the Trauma Out of Homebuying
#1. First of all, you need to find a real estate agent that’s simpatico. Homebuying is not only a big financial commitment, but also an emotional one. It’s critical that the agent you chose is both skilled and a good fit with your personality.
Well, I have the listat my desk, but time has run out to type it all up because I need to get going to volunteer at the school where my daughter attends. Call me so I can mail the whole list to you. Have a great weekend!
Connie Suehiro
Real Estate Agent
(509) 431-5804 cell
Gary Mann Real Estate
Moses Lake, WA
(509) 765-3463 office
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