In a rising market or in a falling market, you need to ask your Realtor to help you base the price of your home on the sales of homes that are already sold. It's tempting to say, "Well, my friend Joe has his house for sale, just down the street, for $365,000, and my house is just like his." You and your friend may have identical houses, but if Joe's house is over-priced, you don't want to overprice your house too. It will just sit on the market just like Joe's. You can expect your Realtor to price your home based on homes that are:
1) SOLD (not currently for sale)
2) recently sold in the past SIX MONTHS
3) are within 1/2 MILE of your house (unless you're out in the country, and then there's some wiggle room.
These three things are the basics for getting started on how to price your home for sale.
Nationally speaking, we're in a falling market. Regionally, we're doing better in Washington state than many other states. Locally, in Moses Lake, our home prices have come down just a little bit, but with so many businesses coming in and the need for homes increasing, the prices will start to inch their way up again.
As a seller, you need to understand that neither you nor your Realtor will set the final sales price.... the market will. Who has control over the market? The buyers.
If after three weeks, you haven't had any showings, a price adjustment may be necessary.
If after more than eight showings, you haven't had any offers, a price adjustment may be necessary.
You are invited to attend the Gary Mann Real Estate Showcase of Homes this weekend! Look in our local paper, the Columbia Basin Herald, on the back side of the front page for details on the homes that we're showing and are available for sale.
Quote of the day: Blessed are the flexible,
for they shall not be bent out of shape. - Anon
******************************************************For a free list of
homes available
for sale in Moses Lake,
call me at 509-431-5804.
Have a great weekend!
~Connie Suehiro, Realtor (r)
Gary Mann Real Estate
305 E. Third
Moses Lake, WA 98837
509-431-5804 direct
509-765-3463 office