Today, there are 82 homes for sale in the Moses Lake/Ephrata/Warden area for $180,000 and less.
That price might be a little steep for you, so how about the houses for sale for $120,000 and less? There are 81 homes for $120,000 and less in Moses Lake/Ephrata/Warden areas with 23 of those being in Moses Lake. Which one would you like to buy? What are your real estate needs? How will you use your backyard? How will you use your kitchen? For entertaining? For large crowds, or for smaller crowds? The way you will use your home will determine what your criteria will be for the kind of house you want to buy.
When I bought my home, I thought of the needs of my children who like to run and climb, and how I wanted to have a hobby room. I wanted a tree for the kids to climb. And I didn't want to find a home that I had to fix up. I'm not a fixer-upper, and neither is my husband. (I change the lightbulbs in our home!) We knew what we could afford, but we didn't want to spend that much money and opted for lower house payments so we'd have more money for entertainment. Our real estate agent showed us several properties, including one that qualified for a home buying program since my husband is a teacher. We finally found the home we liked. It was perfect! My husband wanted to offer $2,000 less for the home so we could negotiate a little. I said, 'No way. I want THIS house, and I'm tired of looking for a home. Let's offer MORE than the listed price." So, we offered a little more and our offer was accepted! It was great! We have the perfect home for us, minus the big tree that I wanted for our kids to climb. But since there's no tree, the trampoline fits in the back yard just perfectly!
So, you see, it's important for your realtor(r) to know what your needs are so that the "almost perfect" house can be found for you.
Oh, by the way, the house that we bought was on the market for only one day when we made an offer. Don't let the house you want get away when your real estate agent tells you she has the perfect house for you!
For a free list of houses in your price range, call 509-431-5804 today!
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