Do you deal with cat odors in the carpeting of your home? Or rental?
My husband and I used to live in Tacoma, and we put a deposit on a "no-cats" rental and signed the contract. Then, the owner shampooed the carpet on a hot day and we showed up while it was still wet.... and SMELLY. Ugh!
A friend recommended a product to us, and we went down to the janitorial supply company, Sarco Supply (I think it's still there) and bought a gallon of LIQUID LIVE and a spray bottle. We used it straight (not diluted) and sprayed it all over the cats' favorite corner. It worked great! Now, we always have a gallon of Liquid Live on hand.
What is Liquid Live? It is a powerful, all-purpose, safe-to-use remedy that has live micro-organisms in it. The little critters actually consume the odor, and we've never had to deal with that odor again.
So, you can either remove your carpets and clean them and throw out the pad, which is what you just might need to do. But first, try Liquid Live, or something similar to it, and see if you can save yourself some money and backaches!
Are you interested in buying or selling a home? Call me at 509-431-5804, and I will help you with a smooth transaction. Or, if you would like a free Market Analysis of your home, let me know and I'll stop by and give you an idea of what your home's value is.
Connie Suehiro, Realtor
509-431-5804 direct
Gary Mann Real Estate
305 E. Third Ave.
Moses Lake, WA 98837
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