Monday, October 8, 2007

When is it time to talk to a lender?

Before you start looking for a new house to buy.

Why? A lender will help you to know exactly what price range you can afford in a home. What if you could only afford a home for $200,000, but you tell your real estate agent, before talking with a lender, that you are interested in homes in the $200,000 to $300,000 range? Let's say you go look at beautiful homes, like the ones we have for sale on Viking or Laguna, and you fall in love with one of them, only to find out it is out of your price range?

Will you be glad you looked at those homes because they have so many ideas for you to try when you decorate your home that you're going to buy? Or will you be a little frustrated that you looked at homes during your family time or lunch hour, which is valuable time?

I know it's a LOT of fun looking at homes. That's half the reason why I'm a real estate agent. But the other half of the reason is that I primarily enjoy helping people find a home that fits into their needs, which definitely has a lot to do with their budget. I'm not going to ask about your budget. That's private. But I do want to know.... what did your lender say you could afford?

And if you want to know which lender to use, I'll let you know about a couple of lenders (bank and mortgage company) that I've begun to get to know here in Moses Lake.

Looking forward to helping you find that home to fit you to a tee...

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